Using the Light effect is simple. To use it, grab the light icon from the effects category on the left and drag it in to the scene editor.
Once you select it you will see its available options on the right hand side.
This is how it looks like when you change the Radius from 40 to 25.
You also have the option to change its color.
Here is what it looks like with the new color selected and the cast shadow option has been checked,
The Trail is a simple effect that can add a trail to your character or any object in the game. This trail will move around with the physics in the world of your game.
To use the Trail, drag and drop the trail icon from the effects section in to your scene.
I will use a simple image and drag it in to the Texture option and see what it looks like.
Once we have the texture, we need to attach the trail to our character. To do these, we will have to enable the connection mode and connect the trail to the character.
Here is what it looks like when we preview.
The Flag is an easy to use effect which will allow you to create moving flags in your game. The behavior is similar to the Trail effect with a few differences that makes it better for flag effects.
Let us drag and drop a Flag icon to our Scene.
When the Flag is selected, you will be able to change its options in the right hand side.
With the given option above, I will drag an image I can use as a flag and see the preview.
Particle Effects can add a seriously professional touch to your game.
Let us drag a particle effect to our scene.
While the Particle effect is selected, lets click the edit button to edit the emitters.
Emitters are small PNG files that make up a piece of your particle. When you select the Emitter in the middle, you will be able to edit its properties.
Lets try to play around and drag a different image for our particle an go over a few of the settings.
Total particle denotes how many particles to have at a time. A new particle will not be spawned unless existing ones dissipate.
Emission Rate is how fast to emit the particles.
Checking the blend additive means that over lapping particles will be brighter. This is great for spell animation, specially flames.
Start size is the size of the particle when it is spawned.
End size is the size of the particle when it dissipates.
Start spin is a rotation of the particle when it is spawned.
End spin is the rotation when it dissipates.
Gravity is a wind force on the particle and these are settings for X and Y. So if we put 50 in the X axis setting, the particle will dissipate along the positive direction.
And if we put -100 in the Y setting, you will see that they will be blown down along the negative direction of the Y axis.
Radial acceleration is how much acceleration away from the point of emission is given to the particle.
Speed is the initial speed of the particle when they spawn.
The angle settings is the initial direction of travel of the particle.
Life is the life span of the particle before it begins to dissipate.
The mirror effect is very easy to use and has many applications. This is great when making a game with water.
Let me show you how to use it.
And here is what it looks like when we preview.